Often in the past, I had the chance to cross the passes of the Swiss Jura to go to Brassus and Lac de Joux. These rolling landscapes dotted with fir trees give off a melancholy, like a stop of time passing, like a place where nothing has moved for centuries. A time stopped in my life, the time to look at them, the time to be inspired by them.
One day, forced to pass in the middle of winter, after a heavy snowfall that had marked the night, the first glimmers of the morning accompanied a light snow, so fine, that it formed a mist. This mist enveloped the firs with a halo of mystery, like an inner light.
This luminosity, the trees bent under the weight of the snow and the snowflakes that swirled in the sky inspired me a necklace of flakes, pearls, and lights, diamonds in a global shape that recalls the shape of the fir trees and the fall of the snowflakes.